In Guatemala, nightlife is very important, allowing the Guatemalans a chance to unwind.
The nightlife scene is busy and varied, although rural areas of Guatemala have less options available to choose from.
Guatemala City offers the most options for partygoers, followed by the other big and touristic cities.
In the capital of Guatemala, nightlife starts kicking off late afternoon. Zone 10, or the Zona Viva is the most popular area with the highest concentration of nightlife, incorporating clubs, discos, bars, cantinas, restaurants and the theatre. Ensure that you dress up if you want to enter the biggest clubs and be prepared to queue. As well as the Zona Viva, there are also plenty of nightlife options at the Los Próceres shopping centre and in Zonas 4 and 12. Zona 4 is choc full of bars and restaurants and also has the theatre and 31 Calle in zona 12 is popular with the city's student population. There are a very limited number of gay venues in the city too
As the most popular city in Guatemala in which to learn Spanish, the nightlife in Antigua is considered the best in the country, offering an eclectic mix of music options and restaurants to its international visitors. Live music is popular from piano to jazz and from rock to reggae along with an array of bars and discos. Check out the areas around central park, the east side and fifth avenue by the arch. The party starts around 10pm and the revelling moves on from the bars at 1am when they close.
Xela has a variety of nightlife options, most of which are in the Zona Viva in Zona 1 in the area of avenidas 12-15 and calles 1-6. A variety of bars, café's, restaurants and nightclubs can all be found there.