A Guide to Gay Argentina

Despite not having any particular town or neighbourhood of Buenos Aires as a gay and lesbian district, Argentina is considered the most gay friendly country in Latin America.

Gay Argentina

The Argentina Gay pride festival is celebrated for a week in November, culminating with a parade through Buenos Aires, starting out from the Plaza de Mayo.

Same Sex Marriage

In July 2010, Argentina became the first Latin American country to legalize same sex marriage, although weddings can only take place between Argentine residents. The first legalized gay wedding in the country took place in December 2009 after two men made various appeals throughout Argentina ending up in the Supreme Court. The first gay wedding since Argentina legalized same sex marriages throughout the country took place a month after the legislation was passed.

Outside of Buenos Aires, particularly in some rural areas, gay visitors are less accepted due to strong religious beliefs of residents.

Gay and Proud

Gay Argentina

Despite this, Gay Argentina companies offer a variety of services for visitors. Gay tango lessons in Buenos Aires, gay schools for learning Spanish, gay travel, gay adventure activities, etc, all offering the opportunity to meet up with other gay and lesbian people.

Gay Argentina accommodation can be found fairly easily in Buenos Aires, which is also the location of Latin America's first 5 star gay hotel. Towns such as Iguazú, Ushuaia, Cordoba and Mendoza, all offer gay friendly accommodation too.

Proud of its residents and visitors who are lesbian or gay, Argentina hosted the gay and lesbian world cup football tournament in 2007, for the first time on Latin American soil.

Since 2004, Argentina has held the annual International Gay Lesbian Trans Film Festival of Argentina, the first festival of its type in Latin America.

It is estimated that around 15% of Buenos Aires' tourists are gay or lesbian, relaxing alongside openminded Argentinians and sharing the days and wild Argentine nightlife of the country's vibrant and stylish capital city.